Download and stream up to 5 items a month from hoopla’s catalog of 1 million+ audiobooks, eBooks, videos, music, and more on your mobile device or computer. There are titles for all ages and interests, and there are never any holds or waiting for your titles.
Parents and caregivers can find information about using the app with children here.
Starting in March 2024, for the last seven days of each calendar month, choose from a selection of TV shows, movies, comics and manga, eBooks, and audiobooks without using monthly borrows!
Steps to Get Started with hoopla
Register for a hoopla account by visiting or using the hoopla app on your iOS or Android mobile device.
You will need your library account number and pin, and will be prompted to create a login and password.
Hoopla’s free mobile app can be found in the Apple Store and the Google Play store.
Get started by selecting Browse on your computer or, in the app, selecting a format (Audiobooks, eBooks, Movies, Music, Television, or BingePasses) that you would like to explore.
You can also search for a specific title by clicking on the Search box or magnifying glass and typing in your title(s)/keyword.
To borrow a title, click on the title and then click the Borrow button.
Your borrowed titles can be played right after borrowing, and found under the My hoopla tab for viewing/listening. Enjoy your selected titles!
Borrowed titles will be automatically returned when your lending period is over. There are no holds, wait lists, or late fees for any hoopla Instant title.
If you need additional help, visit the help section on the app, or click on the Help link found at the bottom of
Here is guidance about specific devices and a video about how to sign up.
Frequently Asked Questions About hoopla
How long is borrowed content available for me to access?
- Most eAudio and eBooks: 21 days
- Most movies and TV episodes: 72 hours (3 days) from the time you borrow the title. Some publishers limit the borrow time to 48 hours (2 days).
- Music albums: 7 days
- BingePasses: 7 days