Training on Demand: Workshop & Tutorials
You name it! We'll give you personal attention in a 30-minute, hands-on training session tailored for you.
Call or drop by any of the branches' Research Desks to schedule any of the topics below, or design your own!
After your class, please give us feedback.

Computers For Beginners
Learn computer basics including keyboard and mouse use, opening and closing programs, managing windows, beginning internet use, and more.
Email & Internet
Still mystified by the Internet? Our introduction to email and the Internet can teach you how to use a web browser to comfortably navigate the electronic world for your information needs.
Social Networking
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?! What is it all and why do I want them?
Google Tips: Search like a Wizard
Search the Web like an expert with our favorite Google search tips and tricks. Quick, fun, and easy, easy, easy!
Learn How to Use Your Smartphone and/or Tablet Computers
Learn how to use your new Android or Apple mobile device and get the most out of it.
eBook/eAudio Downloading
Read or listen to a book on your computer or mobile device. Bring your own mobile device and we'll show you how to download.
Job Searching & Resume Building
Work with a research librarian in our Job Help Center on such tasks as basic keyboarding and computer use, application writing, effective interviewing, and résumé & cover-letter preparation.
Searching for Online Medical Resources
Discover how to access consumer websites for specific diseases and conditions, prescription drugs, nutrition, and more.
We can take you beyond Google for greater success with research, projects, and papers.
Contact Youth Services at Fredericksburg, 540-372-1144, ext. 7243.
What's New in Online Genealogy
Discover exciting new family history resources freely available on the ‘net! Instructor-mediated practice time on the computer included.
It's Your History!
Can’t find a long-lost Revolutionary War ancestor? Need Great-grandpa’s obituary? Schedule a 60 minute one-on-one session with a staff member, tour CRRL's Virginiana Collection, and learn how to use its many fine historical and genealogical resources.
Finding & Using Old Newspapers
A treat for historians, genealogists and the just plain curious.
Contact Adult Research at Fredericksburg, 540-372-1144, ext. 7232.