Online Resources Overview

Online Resources

Enjoy free access to a plethora of eBooks and eAudio, eMagazines, music,
streaming video, online research for all ages and more when you log in with your library card.

eBooks & eAudio

Are you a reader who prefers to read off a tablet or even listen to your book? We have plenty of offerings for eBooks & eAudio in our Digital Collection.

All of these are accessible with your library card.

OverDrive eBooks & eAudio

OverDrive eBooks & eAudio

Popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks and eAudio titles for all ages. Download the Libby app for the best experience.

hoopla digital

hoopla digital

Download and stream from hoopla’s catalog of 1 million+ audiobooks, eBooks, videos, music, and more on your mobile device or computer.

Online Database FAQs

  • Yes - the CRRL Mobile, Libby, Beanstack Tracker, and Kanopy, apps all have parental controls or filters that can be applied. See more here, opens a new window.

  • If you are in one of our ten branches, just click on the database link.
    If you are at home (or anywhere outside of a library branch), you will need an online account
    If you're already logged in to your account, you can go straight to your selected resource. If not, you'll be asked to log in using your library card number or username and your library PIN (usually the last four digits of your phone number).
    If you haven't set up your online account yet, you'll need to take a few easy steps to get it set up.
    A few of our resources have their own accounts that you'll need to set up the first time you access them.
  • Most of our databases are available outside of the library, but a few are only available within the library. This is marked with the following indication:

    Only available at Central Rappahannock Regional Library

    This appears if the resource is only accessible at a particular branch:

    Only available at the Fredericksburg Branch

  • For our print magazines, you can access our library catalog online. If you choose to search the catalog by subject, say for education journals, then type in "education periodicals" (without the quotes!). You will obtain a listing of our holdings in journals/magazines about education.

    You can also search by the specific journal title you need. We also have a collection of downloadable digital magazines, opens a new window, offered to library cardholders.

Download Libby

Read with Libby

OverDrive's reading app allows you to read eBooks and eMagazines, as well as listen to eAudio. Start your cost-free download.

eBooks & eAudio Resources

OverDrive: Kids eBooks & eAudio

eBooks and eAudio, including read-along books, for children of all ages.

OverDrive: Teen eBooks & eAudio

eBook and eAudio for young adults. Download popular titles to read or listen to on your phone or tablet.

More eBooks & eAudio Resources

Streaming Movies, TV, & Music

Have a quiet night in with a featured movie or documentary on Kanopy, or, have a loud night out with free music from hoopla digital.

All of these are accessible with your library card.

Streaming Video

Kanopy Streaming Video

Choose from more than 30,000 films, including acclaimed movies and documentaries, film festival favorites, world cinema, and much more.

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids Streaming Video

Stream videos from a curated selection of educational and enriching videos on Kanopy Kids with appropriate, age-based ratings.

Kids Access Video

Just For Kids Access Video

Just for Kids, by Infobase, provides access to over 11,000 streaming videos for children.

On Kanopy this Month

Kanopy's Big Movie Watch: Pinball

Without using your Kanopy credits, watch "Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game" until September 16.

This Month on Kanopy

Aliens, robots, space... oh my! There's plenty of Sci-Fi films to choose from on Kanopy this month.

hoopla digital has the music

Discover new music album releases from this week in our diverse collection featuring the latest in pop, country, rap, jazz, and more. All free with your library card.

eMagazines & News Periodicals

Stay up to date with the latest political and lifestyle news by downloading an eMagazine or online periodical.

All of these are accessible with your library card.

Single Button Module

More Magazines & Newspapers

Magzter eMagazines

Magzter Library eMagazines

Magzter is a digital magazine and newspaper platform that offers more than 3,000 titles in a variety of languages.

Check Our Car & Driver eMagazine

Get ready to rev your engines and dive into the exciting realm of "Car and Driver," the definitive magazine for automotive enthusiasts!

Popular eMagazines

eNews Periodicals

U. S. Major Dailies

Provides access to five major U.S. national newspapers: Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, & The Washington Post.

Gale Onefile: News

Search a collection of more than 1,000 newspapers, translate articles into 11 different languages, and create email alerts.


The Free Lance-Star: Color Version

Read and search the full-color version of the Free Lance-Star. Updated daily. Available remotely.

The Free Lance-Star: Text Only Version

Read and search full-text articles from current and archived issues (2004-Current) of the Free Lance-Star. Available remotely.

Online Newspapers (Alphabetical)

eLearning for All Ages

From grades K-12 resources to continuing education, we have plenty of offerings in the eLearning department.

All of these are accessible with your library card.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Video-based online training resource offering courses covering technical skills, creative techniques, business strategies, and more.

Courses You Can Take on LinkedIn Learning

Adobe Photoshop

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Business Leadership & Management

Business Productivity



Video Editing

You must have a library card to access these courses.

Universal Class

Universal Class

Learn from hundreds of online education courses, ranging from accounting to crafts & hobbies to improving writing skills.

Courses You Can Take on Universal Class

Alternative Medicine

Arts & Crafts

Computer Training

How To / Do It Yourself

Office Skills

Personal Development

Test Preparation

You must have a library card to access these courses.

HelpNow: Online Tutoring Service

A unique live tutoring, homework help, and studying resource designed to help all ages succeed.

Birds of the World

Birds of the World

Explore 10,721 species from 249 bird families, living in habitats around the world. From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Britannica Library

Britannica Escolar

Articulos en español.

Britannica Library

The classic encyclopedia, plus Internet Guide, Merriam Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus, video and media collection, and more.

Britannica Library Children

Children can search for information or browse arts, geography, language arts, mathematics, religion, science, social studies, and sports.

Explora Databases

Explora (EBSCO)

Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction.

Explora Middle & High School (EBSCO)

Supports both student research and classroom instruction. For Grades 6-12. Provided by Find it Virginia.



Academic journal articles covering most disciplines, including arts, history, humanities, science, medicine, and law.

Gale Databases

Gale in Context: Biography

Search for people by name, birth or death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, or gender.

Gale Books and Authors

A customizable, rich experience to answer that age-old question of “What do I read next?” Fiction and nonfiction recommendations.

Gale in Context: Elementary

Highly visual, guided research tools for students in kindergarten through grade 5. Provided by Find It Virginia.

Gale Literature Criticism

Biographical/critical introductions, listings of principal works, and sources for further study on contemporary authors.

Language Databases

Lenguajes de Mango

Un sistema de aprendizaje accesible en línea que puede asistir en aprendiendo otros idiomas.

Mango Languages

An online language learning system that can help you learn languages such as English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, and many more.

Transparent Language

Language learners can build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what they have learned. Available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.

Reading Resources

NoveList Plus

Read-alike recommendations based on factors such as tone, pace, settings, and characters.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers.

Read It! (EBSCO)

Adapted reading material on a variety of topics designed for middle school, high school, and English language learners.

Research Answers

Looking for a quick answer to, well, almost everything? Our Research Answer pages are filled with plenty of resources, both local, state, and national. Includes topics on business, healthcare, grants, taxes, voting, and more.

All of these are accessible with your library card.

Tax Answers

Tax Answers

Attend a free AARP or United Way tax clinic at one of our branches, plus get links to IRS forms, help guides, and other resources.

Business Databases

Reference Solutions by Data Axle

Business, residential, and market research data for entrepreneurs, businesses, students, and others wanting access to consumer information.

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship

Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business: financing, management, marketing, human resources, and more.

Consumer Reports

Product reviews and ratings on cars, appliances, electronics, and more. Remote access unavailable - ask a staff member for in-branch access.

Business Answers

Whether you are opening a new business or are already running one, you’ll need information and support. Check out our Business Answers page for more resources.

Voting Answers

Voting Answers

Find local, state, and national resources related to voting campaigns. Includes information on how to register to vote.

Genealogy Databases

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

Find historical newspaper articles, diaries, and more marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom.

Ancestry for Virginians

The Library of Virginia provides access to select collections and content through an agreement with

Regional Answers

Need an answer about the region? Find links to official websites for local and state government, colleges and universities, businesses and attractions, and more.

Science Answers

Science Answers

Browse these staff-suggested resources about various degrees of science and keep up with the latest science-related trends.

Healthcare Databases

Gale Health & Wellness

Articles from health & fitness magazines and scholarly medical journals, medical encyclopedias, a health organization directory, and more.


Connect with live veteran navigators for resume coaching, live tutoring, and learn more about VA eligible benefits and community resources.

Health Answers

Are you looking for a quick healthcare reference or Veteran resources? These databases can help you find information. More community, state, and national healthcare-related links are offered under Health Answers.

Tax Answers

Veteran & Active Military Answers

If you're part of the military community, this page has online & book resources that can act as your guide.

Law Databases

Gale Legal Forms

Create legal documents and view completed sample forms. Provided by Find it Virginia.

Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Legal research including cases, statutes, regulations, trial documents & transcripts. Please request assistance at

Law Answers

Do you need to create a legal document or find legal-related research? We have databases and more under Law Answers. Plus, visit the Fredericksburg Branch Law Library for more advice.

ELL Answers

ELL (English Language Learners) Answers

Are you learning English for the first time? We have classes, online resources, and more to help you along the way.

Nonprofit/Grant Databases

Foundation Directory Online Professional

Helps other nonprofits and individuals seeking funding, scholarships, and fellowships.

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship

Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business: financing, management, marketing, human resources, and more.

Nonprofit Answers

If you need resources on how to run a nonprofit business or company, browse our resources. Includes grant information.

Tech Answers

Tech Answers

Find links to online and in-person computer assistance, along with technology resources and news outlets.

Job & Career Databases


Create a resume, browse job resources, get interview tips, and chat with JobNow coaches. Live coaches are available every day from 2-11pm.

Accel 5 Business Library

Features short videos, book summaries, and articles on leadership and management practices.

Job Answers

Are you looking for a job? Let us provide you the resources to explore careers, designing a résumé, and even going to an interview.

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