Exam Proctoring at the Library
Are you or a friend or family member pursuing distance education? Colleges and schools that offer distance learning may require that testing be overseen or proctored by reliable professionals, such as public librarians.
If students wish to have an exam proctored, the following conditions apply:
The library will mail, scan, or fax completed print tests as requested. Students must provide mailing envelopes and pay postage if needed.
The student is responsible for verifying that his/her institution has received any applicable proctor request information and that all test material/instructions from his/her institution have been submitted to and received by the library.
Once the student confirms receipt, he/she is responsible for scheduling a proctoring appointment, preferably at least one week in advance.
The library only provides Chromeboxes (NetStations).
We do not provide devices that support a Windows environment. However, students may bring in their own laptops or devices if Windows is required and their institution allows it.
We can not download software on our devices to support an institution's test (e.g., software to lock down the browser). This precludes us from proctoring tests from some institutions.
For driving exams, students must show a valid photo ID that matches the name on the transcript or on the online sign-in page. Students who do not present a valid photo ID may not take the online exam. This is a DMV rule. Students will need to call the toll-free driving school number to find out how to get proof they passed their exams if they cannot wait for the certificates to arrive otherwise.