Magazines & Newspapers
Magazines & Newspapers
U. S. Major Dailies
Gale Onefile: News
Magzter eMagazines
Magzter eMagazines
Download complete digital copies of current and back issues of popular magazines. They never expire and are never overdue.
Magzter is a digital magazine and newspaper platform that offers more than 3,000 titles in a variety of languages. A library card number and email address (to receive a one-time code to log in for the first time) are needed for access. iOS and Android users can download the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. Provided by Find it Virginia.
Why did you switch to Magzter Library for eMagazines?
CRRL's access to OverDrive's digital magazines was provided by the Library of Virginia as part of the Find it VA collection. The Library of Virginia has chosen to switch to the digital magazine provider Magzter Library, which also has a robust collection but with some different options. Due to budget constraints at CRRL, we are unfortunately unable to purchase a direct subscription to OverDrive's magazine collection. As you become more familiar with Magtzer, we hope you will enjoy this service as well. We are not able to accept requests for individual digital magazine titles at this time.