For the Love of Books

February is the month for love - celebrate Valentine's Day and National Library Lovers Month with our book suggestions, book lists, and more!

Find Your Perfect Book Match

Have you searched high and low for that perfect book, but it's always out of reach?

Look no further! Our My Librarian service will find the perfect book for you. Fill out one - or both! - forms and await your match!

This book match service begins February 1, 2025!

From the Catalog: Adult Fiction Romance

Romance: Fiction

Staff Booklists for Adults

Valentine's Day Blogs

Make a Valentine's Day Breakfast

Your family does a lot for you: helping with homework, cooking your meals, and taking you to fun places. Why not give them a treat?

A Sweet, Sweet Valentine

What's better than a store-bought valentine with your name on it?

From the Catalog for Children

Children Books

From the Catalog for Teens

Teen Books

Staff Booklists for Children & Teens

Booklists for Children & Teens

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